Aug 19, 2009

How to do the value investment

The value investment is the investment buying when the price of stocks is lower than the value of them and selling when price of stocks is higher than the value of them.The easy method of it is as follows:
1.Find low P/E stocks.
2.Find low P/B stocks.
3.Think why they are low.If the cause is curable, buy the stocks.

Aug 11, 2009

The state compensation law of Japan

The article 17 of the Japanese constitution says that the people who gets damages by torts of public officials will get compensations from the state or public bodies according to the law.So the state compensation law was made.By this law,the dogma that the state has no liability of compensation was completely overcome.
The article 1 paragraph 1 of the state compensation law says that when public officials of the state or public bodies who use public power give damages illegally with intention or fault under doing services, the state or the public bodies have liability of compensation.
"Public officials" are users of public power."The state or public bodies" are the subjects of public power.
"Use public power" does not contain private economical mater.For example,medical treatment of public hospitals is not public power.
"Under doing services" contains acts that looks like regular services.
"Illegally" means against of laws.It is same as the administrative suit law.
"fault" means violation of oblige about services.

Aug 6, 2009

Howard Henry Baker,Jr.

Howard Henry Baker,Jr. was born on November 15th 1925 in Tennessee.
At first,he wanted to be an engineer.But he became a lawyer affected by his father and his grand father who were also lawyers.
He became a Senator in 1966 as the first Republican Senator from Tennessee.
He was near to Nixon,but Baker become the deputy chairman of the Senate Select Committee investigating the Watergate scandal.
After that, he became the Republican leader in the Senate.
He aimed to be the President,but he could not become it.
He was a Senator in 3 terms and he quited it.
And he became the White House Chief of Staff.
In 2001,He became the ambassador to Japan.

Aug 3, 2009

horse races

Modern horse races began in England in 17th.
In Japan,modern horse races were hold by English men who stay at the Yokohama foreign settlement in 1860.After that,Japanese government used horse races for it's Europeanizing diplomacy that was aimed at amendment of unfair treaties.After amendment of treaties,horse races were used by government as a way of breading of good horse for military use.Under the permission of betting tickets,horse races became popular.
But what is "modern" horse races?Every societies with horses has horse races.In japan,the Japanese book of history syokunihongi says there was horse races in 701.Why was not it the first?

Aug 1, 2009


Every cultures has taboos.
"Taboo" means "marked clearly" in the Polynesian language.It is a custom prohibiting particular practices.The opposite ward is "nor" in Polynesian language.It means "usually" or "popularity."
Totem is an animal regarded as an ancestor of a human group.It has a two of taboos.They are prohibition of killing totem animals and having sexual intercourse with parsons of the same totem group.This taboos about totem reflect Oedipus complex.The taboo prohibits killing a totem animal is equivalent of killing the father.The taboo prohibits having sexual intercourse with persons of the same totem is equivalent of having sexual intercourse with the mother.

Jul 30, 2009


The tourism is fun and a good business.
According to the statistic in 2007,the number 1 country most visited by tourists is France(81,900,000 persons).The second is Spain(59,193,000 persons). The third is the USA(55,986,000 persons).But the most earning money country by tourism is the USA. The second is Spain.The third is France.
The number of Visitor to Japan is 8,347,000. It is a very small number. It is fewer than the numbers of Turkey or Mexico.So Japanese government want to increase tourists to Japan.
On 2008 October 1st,The agency of tourism is established.And In 2008 July,tourism area conditioning act is put in force.
Why the number of tourists to Japan is few? It will because Japan is not a famous country for touring.To become famous,it is important that Japanese serves well to coming tourists and make a good reputation established.